๐Ÿ‘‰. *JAMB will hold 2018 Admission meeting by June this year with all university Vice chancellors, Registrars, Provosts, minister for education and other stakeholders in the education sector, to decide how this year’s admission will be.*

๐Ÿ‘‰ *JAMB have not released her national cut off mark yet. It will be officially out after the upcoming June meeting.*
Also, *No university have released her admission cut off mark for this year.*
Please don’t believe those rubbish cut off marks You See online. *They are fake and most of them are that of previous years.* **
Boss Webcoded shall inform us as soon as school starts releasing her cut off marks.
๐Ÿ‘‰. This year admission processes will start by July and offering of Admission (proper) in many schools will begin from August…..
Many of you will be admitted into your dream course and school in few months time. *Just keep reading hard for POST-UTME and retain your faith in God.*
I can’t wait to hear or see your admission success stories, just like our previous year admitted student.

๐Ÿ‘Š *JAMB result upgrading is totally* *FAKE*…….
Boss webcoded says that JAMB upgrading is naturally fake. There is nothing like upgrading oh!. Please don’t pay anyone for such thing unless you know you planted *money tree* in your house where you pluck money from every minute.
Be contented with the score JAMB gave you.

๐Ÿ‘‰ I shall keep informing all you, irrespective of the school you applied, on all necessary things you need to know about this year’s admission, from time to time. I did it last year and I shall do it again this year. Just relax…

๐Ÿ‘‰ POST-UTME past questions for other schools are still available. If you need it, send me a private message or chat me up.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Your Olevel result is compulsory to ease admission

๐Ÿ’ช. *JAMB 2018/19 change of course is still ongoing. No closing date for now.*
Go to a JAMB CBT centre and do whatever you wanna do..


*April 14* , *2018* *
*Boss Webcoded 08147753297* โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…โœ…

It will be recalled that *JAMB* earlier directed that candidates who registered for *2018 UTME* should ensure they *upload* their Oโ€™level results *before the end of October or they will end up losing their admission.*
*IMPORTANT UPDATE:* The *Uploading of Oโ€™level Results is now for all candidates and not only Awaiting Result candidates.*

We have confirmed that the process has *begun* . Candidates who applied for *2018 UTME using awaiting result can now upload their WAEC/NECO Results on JAMB Portal.*
At the moment, many of such candidates have been able to upload their results on JAMB portal.
If you are among those that registered for JAMB this year, you are advised to visit any JAMB accredited centre or JAMB office to upload your WAEC/NECO results.
โœโœโœโœโœโœ * *Boss Webcoded 08147753297*
*To make it easier, check out the steps below;*

Steps To Upload To WAEC/NECO Result On JAMB Portal

1โƒฃ *Visit an accredited JAMB CBT centre or JAMB office*

2โƒฃ. *Ensure You go with a copy of your Oโ€™level result (WAEC/NECO) as well as the email address associated with your JAMB profile.*

3โƒฃ. *Once you get to the CBT centre or JAMB office, request for an upload of your Oโ€™level result on JAMB Portal.*
*Note: This will attract a fee of N500 or there about*

18-Year-Old Girl Commits Suicide Over JAMB UTME Score In Delta

*18-Year-Old Girl Commits Suicide Over JAMB UTME Score In Delta*


A university admission-seeker simply identified as Loveth has reportedly committed suicide in Ekiugbo, Ughelli North local government area of Delta State.

Loveth, who was said to be displeased with the 163 mark she garnered in the ongoing Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), was found dead at her home on Wednesday morning. 

 *The Nation gathered that the deceased took three bottles of Sniper and these were found by her side on Wednesday morning.*



โ€‹JAMB 2018 Result SAGA:

Lol! Nigeria and Drama ehh! 
(please find full details below)
A report just coming in from the Joint Admission And Matriculation Board (JAMB) headquarters in Abuja, has it that, the information currently going viral on the social media, that the board have cancelled or rejected the 2018 UTME results of  candidates, “IS A MONUMENTAL LIE” and misleading information. 
This information is coming in barely few days JAMB released some results of Candidates and barely 48 hours, a *”Daily Trust Newspaper* said that the results JAMB released so far are fake. 
You will remember that yesterday, DAILY TRUST NEWSPAPER published an information online that “JAMB has cancelled the release results” And the news has gone viral, thereby putting confusion amongst JAMBITES….
Speaking to some group of Journalists at the JAMB’s headquatres in Gwari Abuja early this morning, the JAMB registrar said that the News by “DAILY TRUST” yesterday was embarrassing and disheartening. The board apologises to the public and all JAMBITES for the misleading information disseminated by DAILY TRUST, as the results released so far are REAL.

He said DAILY TRUST reported unprofessionally.
JAMB therefore, urges all candidates who have written the examination so far to keep visiting the boardโ€™s website to check their results.

โ€œThe results will be released in batches, candidates are free to check,โ€ he said.
Similarly, JAMB advises the public to always follow up important information concerning JAMB through Newspapers like PREMIUM TIMES,  the PUNCH, Daily sun etc, as they always convey right news. 

Scopes On How To Pick Correct Answer On Jamb Questions You Don’t Know


Jamb is not about what you knw its about the technique 

Please use this to answer questions in jamb i can assure u, 300/400 is sure….

*Scopes On How To Pick Correct Answer On Jamb Questions You Don’t Know*


 JAMB unlike the way students see it, is so simple that both the questions and their answers are given to the student. Yes, that is the objective exam we talk about. Even a nursery school pupil can make above 180 in the JAMB exam if he or she is lucky to mistakenly click the right options more than 180 times. This feature makes it easy for a student to have his or her way in every question whether understood or not. Luck is not always by onesโ€™ side so we will teach you how to pass JAMB comfortably with the little knowledge or idea you have. It worked for many whom I taught it, it will also work for you and when it does, do not forget to share your testimony to us for others to see.

Now letโ€™s break it down like we do so you can go over to another topic or maybe do something else because the clock is always ticking and would not like to stop but even though it does, the day doesnโ€™t. I will not like to waste your time here but I will like to make this tutorial so rich and enticing that at the end of it, you will have a reason to be thankful. Letโ€™s go!๐Ÿ˜Š

There are different methods which I have sorted out for answering any JAMB question which you are not sure of the correct answer. 

Of a truth you can never know the answers to all the questions even if your mother gave birth to you in a library and left you there till the day you were to write JAMB exam. So planning on time on a way to go about the difficult questions will give you an upper hand in the exam hall. Donโ€™t be surprised if you see yourself working out of the exam hall fulfilled like never before. These tactics has helped many. Let me list and explain them one after the other.


this method has proven to be of great help to those who apply it. It is not all learnt because it is naturally in every one but one needs a little knowledge of how it works to kick-start it. Now see how it works


If James slaps John his twin, what will happen?

a. John will laugh.

b. John will die.

c. John will cry.

d. John will slap him back.

The question above is a typical JAMB question; you can see that from the options given. JAMB questions come in a way that at least two options will seem to be the answer and that is where confusion sets in. 

In the question above, option c and d both look more like the correct answer and that is where our answer is circulated.

 Now, with circulation method, we will now take these answers and go back to the question.

 Looking at the question, for John to cry for James that means James should be some years older than him (reality), and for John to slap James back, that means they should be mates and the question said *โ€˜his twinโ€™.* Drop the correct answer for me let me know if you are following.

*2. IDEA METHOD: โ€“*

 This method is what some students use very often in answering questions but they donโ€™t know how its principles came about. 

In idea method, we exhibit the sense of quick and concise reasoning and remembrance. We answer questions in this category with the real life experience weโ€™ve had with something which seems to be related to the question. Now letโ€™s see how it works.


A long stick of 200cm was used to pluck a fruit from a tree of 4000mm by a boy who was standing on a mount which is 1foot long, how tall is the boy?

a. 100mm.

b. 10feet.

c. 2cm.

d. 4feet.

Now looking at the questions above, someone who doesnโ€™t want to waste unnecessary time in question would just click any option and head to the next question but for the fact you have read this article you will click the right answer without wasting time and still head over to the next question. 

Now this is how the idea method works, observe the answers and put them in real life imagination. In that case, you will find out that a normal human being canโ€™t be 100mm tall nor 10feet tall nor 2cm tall.

 So now drop the correct answer for me let me see if you are coming along.


 This method works like its name sounds *elimination.*

 In elimination method, you read the question, observe the answers and apply the little knowledge you have. letโ€™s see how it works.


Another word that can replace the word *โ€˜throughโ€™* in a sentence isโ€ฆโ€ฆ

a. Come.

b. finishing.

c. Via.

d. Opening.

This again is a typical JAMB question. We all know what the word โ€˜throughโ€™ means so letโ€™s assume we donโ€™t know what โ€˜viaโ€™ means. In that case it is clear that option a, b and d canโ€™t fit in where โ€˜throughโ€™ is in a given sentence so we eliminate them all and have one final answer left. Drop the answer for me if you understand.

*4. ODD ONE OUT: โ€“* 

I would have simply typed here select the odd one and itโ€™s your answer. But for the sake of adequate protocol lets break it down as well. It is just like when you are given a yam tuber, cassava tuber and cocoyam tuber and a mango fruit and you are asked to select the odd one out, even if you donโ€™t know what they are, you can comfortably select out the mango fruit and that becomes your answer. So answer the question below.


Which of the following elements is not a halogen?

a. Chlorine

b. Bromine

c. Fluorine

d. Hydrogen

Drop your answer and letโ€™s call it a day.

We are always with you allโœ”โœ”๐Ÿ˜Š





*Candidates will be expected to be familiar with the following skills and principles*

(1). Measurement of masses and volume.ยงlยงt

(2).preparations and dilution of standard solutions.ยงlยงt

(3).Filtration,recrystallization and melting point determination.ยงlยงt

(4).Measurement of heat of neutralization and solutions.ยงlยงt

(5).Determination of pH value of various solutions by colorimetry.ยงlยงt

(6).Determination of rate of reaction from concentration versus time curve.ยงlยงt

(7).Determination of equilibrium constant for simple system.ยงlยงt


The use of standard solutions of acid and alkalis and the indicators;methyl orange,methyl red to determined the following:

(1) The concentration of acid and alkaline solution.ยงlยงt

(2).The solar mass of acid and base and water crystallization.ยงlยงt

(3).The solubility of acid and base.ยงlยงt

(4).The percentage purity of acid and base;ยงlยงt

(5).Analysis of Na2CO3/NaHCO3 mixture by double indicator method *(Ghanaian only)*.ยงlยงt

(6). Stoichiometry of reactions.ยงlยงt


Titration of the following systems to solve analytical problems.

โ€ขAcid MnO4 with Fe^-2+

โ€ขAcid MnO4 with C2O4^2-

โ€ขI2 in KI versus S2O3^2-


No formula scheme of analysis is required.ยงlยงt

*Join the VIP group for complete note*




Here, we will discuss about the different definitions of oxidation and reduction (redox) in terms of oxygen transfer, hydrogen and electrons. We will as well talk about oxidizing agent and reducing agent.

Definitions of oxidation and reduction in terms of oxygen transfer

โ€ข Oxidation is addition of oxygen.

โ€ข Reduction is removal of oxygen.

For instance, in the extraction of iron from its ore:

Due to the fact that reduction and oxidation are going on side-by-side, this is known as a redox reaction meaning oxidation-reduction reaction.

Oxidising and reducing agents

An oxidizing agent is a substance that oxidizes another thing else. In the example above, the iron (III) oxide is the oxidizing agent.

A reducing agent is a substance that reduces something else. In the above equation, the carbon monoxide is acting as the reducing agent.

โ€ข Oxidizing agents provide oxygen to another substance.

โ€ข Reducing agents take out oxygen from another substance.

Oxidation and reduction in terms of hydrogen transfer

โ€ข Oxidation is the loss of hydrogen from a compound.

โ€ข Reduction is gain of hydrogen by a compound.

These definitions you would notice are precisely the reverse of the definition of oxidation and reduction in terms of oxygen.

For instance, ethanol can be oxidized to ethanal:

In other to remove the hydrogen from the ethanol, you would need to make use of oxidizing agent. A regularly used oxidizing agent is potassium dichromate (VI) solution that is acidified with dilute sulphuric acid.

Ethanal can as well again be reduced back to ethanol through the addition of hydrogen to it. A potential reducing agent is sodium tetrahydridoborate, NaBH4. Again, the equation is excessively complex to be worth troubling about at this level.

As a summary:

โ€ข Oxidizing agents provide oxygen to a different substance or take away hydrogen from it.

โ€ข Reducing agents take away oxygen from another substance or provide hydrogen to it.

Oxidation and reduction in terms of electron transfer

โ€ข This is simply the most significant application of the oxidation and reduction at Aโ€™ level.

โ€ข Oxidation is defined as electron loss.

โ€ข Reduction is defined as electron gain.

It is necessary that you have these definitions in mind. There is a extremely simple way to accomplish this.

An example is shown below:

The equation illustrates an uncomplicated redox reaction which can perceptibly be explained in terms of oxygen transfer.

Copper (II) oxide and magnesium oxide are mutually ionic. The metals evidently are not. If you rephrase this as an ionic equation, it turns out that the oxide ions are bystander ions that you are left with:

A last remark on oxidizing and reducing agents

In the equation above, the magnesium is reducing the copper (II) ions by donating electrons to them to neutralize the charge. Magnesium is acting as a reducing agent.

Looked at in another way, the copper (II) ions are extracting electrons from the magnesium to generate the magnesium ions. The copper (II) ions are working as an oxidizing agent.

Oxidizing and Reducing Agents

An oxidizing agent or oxidant is a substance that gains electrons and is reduced in a chemical reaction. The oxidizing agent is also known as electron acceptor, the oxidizing agent is usually in one of its top probable oxidation states due to the fact that it will gain electrons and be reduced. Examples of oxidizing agents are halogens, potassium nitrate, and nitric acid.

A reducing agent or reductant is a substance that loses electrons and is oxidized in a chemical reaction. A reducing agent is normally in one of its lesser possible oxidation states and is referred to as the electron donor. A reducing agent would normally be oxidized due to the fact that it loses electrons in the redox reaction. Examples of reducing agents are the earth metals, formic acid, and sulfite compounds.

A reducing agent reduces other substances and loses electrons; consequently, its oxidation state will amplify. An oxidizing agent oxidizes other substances and gains electrons


There are numerous types of chemical bonds and forces acting jointly to combine molecules together. The two most fundamental types of bonds are ionic and covalent bond. In ionic bonding, atoms transfer electrons to each other. Ionic bonds need at least one electron donor and one electron acceptor. On the contrary, atoms that have similar electro negativity share electrons through covalent bonds as for such atoms, donating or receiving electrons are not favorable.

Chemical bonding is a means through which atoms unite to form molecules. Chemical bond exists between two atoms or groups of atoms when the forces acting between them are physically powerful enough to result to the formation of an aggregate with adequate stability to be termed an autonomous species. The no of bonds an atom forms matches up to the number of electron at its outer shell. Bond energy is the quantity of energy necessary to break a bond and create neutral atoms. In line with Coulombโ€™s law every bond as a result of attraction that exist between unlike charges. On the other hand, the manner this force is manifested varies depending on the atoms concerned. The main types of chemical bond are the ionic, covalent, metallic, and hydrogen bonds. The ionic and covalent bonds are ideal forms but the majority of the bond types are of an intermediary type.

Bonding energy between two atoms

The interaction energy between two atoms at equilibrium is referred to as the bonding energy between the two atoms. To break the bond, this energy must be supplied from outside. Breaking the bond means that the two atoms become infinitely separated. In real substances that are made up of varieties of atoms, bonding is calculated by stating the bonding energy of the entire substances in terms of the disjointing distances among all atoms. There are different types of bonding:

โ€ข Primary bonding: Ionic (involves transfer of outermost electrons)

โ€ข Covalent (involves sharing of outermost electrons, directional)

โ€ข Metallic (involves delocalization of valence electrons)

โ€ข Secondary or van der Waals Bonding:(widespread, but less strong than primary bonding)

โ€ข Dipole-dipole

โ€ข H-bonds

โ€ข Polar molecule-induced dipole

โ€ข Variable dipole (the most weak bond)

The Ionic Bonding

Ionic bonding is the total transfer of outermost electron(s) between atoms. It is the type of chemical bond that produces two oppositely charged ions. In ionic bonds, the metal loses electrons to turn into a positively charged cation, while the non-metal receives those electrons to turn into a negatively charged anion. For ionic bond to occur there must be an electron donor, metal, and an electron acceptor, non metal.

Ionic Bonding is occurs because metals have a small number of electrons in their outmost orbital. Through the loss of those electrons, these metals can attain noble-gas configuration and meet the octet rule. Likewise, non metals that have nearly 8 electrons in their outermost shell have the tendency of readily accepting electrons to attain their noble gas configuration. In ionic bonding, over 1 electron can be donated or received to fulfill the octet rule. The charge on the anion and cation matches up with the number of electrons contributed or received. In ionic bonds, the net charge of the compound must be zero.

The ionic bond is a chemical bond formed as a result of attraction between two opposite charged ions. The atoms of metallic elements like sodium easily lose their valence electrons, whereas the atoms of non-metals like chlorine have the tendency to gain electrons. The reaction between them results to a highly stable ions which maintain their individual structures while approaching one another to form a stable molecule or crystal. In an ionic crystals such as sodium chloride, no separate diatomic molecules are present; instead, the crystal is made up of composed of independent Na+ and Clโˆ’ ions, with each being attracted to adjoining ions of the opposite charge giving rise to one single gigantic molecule.

The covalent bond

The covalent bond




Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. Atoms are fundamental building blocks of matter that cannot be further divided by any chemical means. What are elements?

Elements are constituents of matter. There are 92 natural elements. Elements like hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen are elements that make up the majority of living things. Other groups of element that exist in living things are: magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium.

Many elements were discovered before the late 1800โ€™s. A Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeleev then proposed an arrangement of elements based on their atomic masses. In the modern time, elements are no longer arranged based on their atomic masses but according to their atomic numbers.

The word atom is a derivative of the Greek word atom which means undividable. The Greeks came to a conclusion that matter could be further divided into particles that are too tiny to be seen with the naked eye. These tiny indivisible particles of matter were referred to as atoms.

An atom is made up of three types of particles:

โ€ข Protons

โ€ข Neutrons, and

โ€ข Electron.

The nucleus of an atom is made up of protons and neutrons. The electron of an atom resolves round the nucleus of an atom in an orbit known as shells.

Neutrons are neutral and have no electrical charge while protons and electrons are electrically charged. While Protons are positively charged and have a relative charge of +1, electrons are negatively charged with a relative charge of -1.

The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is known as its atomic number. Atoms are arranged in atomic number order in the periodic table while electrons are arranged in energy levels or shells. Each energy level holds a definite numbers of electrons.

The electronic structure of an atom is an explanation of the manner the electrons are arranged, which can be demonstrated in a diagram or through numbers. The position of an element in the periodic table and its electronic structure interrelated.

The atomic mass of an element is greatly determined by the number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. For instance, in a mass number of 150; 149 lbs which equivalent to 15 oz is protons and neutrons while only 1 oz. is the electronโ€™s mass. The mass of an electron is extremely small – 9.108 X 10-28 grams.

It is the number of protons in an atom that establishes the atomic number. For example, Hydrogen is with an atomic number of 1.The number of protons in an element is invariable (example, the number of proton in Hydrogen (H) =1 and that of Uranium (Ur) = 92 but the number of neutron may well differ, therefore the mass number (protons + neutrons) of an element could differ.

A particular element may have differing numbers of neutrons; the different forms of an element with the same number of proton but with differing numbers of neutron are referred to as isotopes. Isotopes have the same chemical properties but the physical properties of a number of isotopes might be different.

Some isotopes are radioactive in nature. This means that give out energy while they decompose and break down to a more stable form. This gives rise to another element.

Half-life of a radioactive element is the time that it takes for half of the atoms of that element to decay into stable form. An example of element that exhibits isotopy is oxygen. The element-Oxygen with an atomic number of 8 may possibly have 8 or 9, or 10 neutrons.

Atomic Symbols and Isotopes by SHINING STARS

The atom of every element is composed of electrons, protons and neutrons. Atoms of the same element possess the same number of protons and electrons but the number of neutrons can vary. When the neutrons vary such elements are referred to as isotopes. Due to these isotopes, it got crucial to formulate a notation to differentiate an isotope from the other. This notation is known as the atomic symbol. The atomic symbol is usually denoted with three different letters:

1. The X: This is used to represent the element.

2. The A: This is a symbol that represents the atomic num



*_2018 UTME / DE RESCHEDULED SALES OF APPLICATION FORM_*Sales of application form: 6th of December, 2017 to 6th of February, 2018.Optional Mock Examination: Monday 22nd to Wednesday 24th of January, 2018.Main Examination Schedule: Friday March 9 – March 17, 2018. *Info Brought to You By:* *Boss Of Bosses*๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ’ซ_For More Info Call/SMS/WhatsApp:_ *08147753297* ๐Ÿ“ž*_Kindly R.B.C_*๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐ŸŽ“๐Ÿ”ฅ


sales of application form : November 22,2017 to January 22, 2018,
deadline for the purchase of form is Jan 22 2018
Optional mock examination : January 22- January 24, 2018
Main examination schedule – march 9 to march 17 , 2018
Jamb 2018 expo/runs/chocks subscription as started…

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