👉. *JAMB will hold 2018 Admission meeting by June this year with all university Vice chancellors, Registrars, Provosts, minister for education and other stakeholders in the education sector, to decide how this year’s admission will be.*

👉 *JAMB have not released her national cut off mark yet. It will be officially out after the upcoming June meeting.*
Also, *No university have released her admission cut off mark for this year.*
Please don’t believe those rubbish cut off marks You See online. *They are fake and most of them are that of previous years.* **
Boss Webcoded shall inform us as soon as school starts releasing her cut off marks.
👉. This year admission processes will start by July and offering of Admission (proper) in many schools will begin from August…..
Many of you will be admitted into your dream course and school in few months time. *Just keep reading hard for POST-UTME and retain your faith in God.*
I can’t wait to hear or see your admission success stories, just like our previous year admitted student.

👊 *JAMB result upgrading is totally* *FAKE*…….
Boss webcoded says that JAMB upgrading is naturally fake. There is nothing like upgrading oh!. Please don’t pay anyone for such thing unless you know you planted *money tree* in your house where you pluck money from every minute.
Be contented with the score JAMB gave you.

👉 I shall keep informing all you, irrespective of the school you applied, on all necessary things you need to know about this year’s admission, from time to time. I did it last year and I shall do it again this year. Just relax…

👉 POST-UTME past questions for other schools are still available. If you need it, send me a private message or chat me up.

👉 Your Olevel result is compulsory to ease admission

💪. *JAMB 2018/19 change of course is still ongoing. No closing date for now.*
Go to a JAMB CBT centre and do whatever you wanna do..

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